Regex consists of set of symbols. Following are the common matching symbols used for regex purpose.
Any character
^ $
Regex matches beginning of the line and end of the line
Matches a/b/c followed by p/q
Negates the matching pattern
Matches characters between p and z or 4 to 9.
Equivalent to [pq]
q immediately follows p
These matching symbols are further defined by quantifiers which will be defining number of occurrences of regex pattern.
Occurs between p to q times
Occurs p times
There are certain meta characters that can be used to simplify defining symbols.
Equivalent of [ \t\n\x0b\r\f]
[ ^\t\n\x0b\r\f]
Note: Grouping of regex elements can be done using ( ) operators.
p(?!q) denotes regex matches iff p is not followed by q.
Eventually we can consider following example, where I wanted to identify following string
and replace this string with empty("") String.
Input String;
"Age":"30 years",
"Age":"31 years",
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Utils.JSON_REGEX_CONSTANT); //Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(opportunityJson.replaceAll("^\\s|\n\\s|\\s$", "''"));Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(jsonResponse); jsonResponse = matcher.replaceAll("\"\"");
Here JSON_REGEX_CONSTANT is equal to
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